An online pharmacy that provides all the information you need about over-the-counter medications and beauty aids, doesn’t look reputable at first glance because of its confusing and extremely harsh web pages. Medications Listed

On the left hand column of the website, you will find a long list of categories of medicines, which the boasts to be the lowest priced drugs in the market with the same quality that customers in the US are used to. Also, the company says that it has easy-to-use and safe shopping cart and order form that customers can conveniently use. Purchase Feature Not Operational

When you click on a certain product, you will be directed to its own page which contains all the information you need to know, from proper usage to dosage. However, purchasing these items from the website seem impossible because when you click on the ‘Ordering Information’ link, you will be directed to the ‘Contact Us’ page. Ordering through the contact page is not very convenient for customers who want to purchase online.

The company is based in the US, but there is no location stated as to where it provides shipping to and from. Another thing that can be confusing about the website is link to no-prescription medications which directs you to a third party online pharmacy. Reviews 2015

When you search for testimonials or reviews from customers on the online pharmacy, there are nothing that can be found. Also, no social media accounts can be found. According to, the company may not be safe to use because it has a low trust rating. Meanwhile, labels the website an an unapproved internet pharmacy. Coupons

Since there are no actual prices on the medications listed on the website, it comes as no surprise to find no available coupons on the website. Conclusion

It seems that the online pharmacy has gone out of business because there are no prices on the medications listed on the website, and no way to purchase them. Information about the company’s headquarters and where they obtain their medications are not stated as well. In addition, very little information about company (such as the contact details) can be found. Perhaps the company was operating at one point, then it discontinued its operation when its sales were lacking, or when it got involved in an illegal activity.

Even you scour the internet for more information, you would only be disappointed in the end. Based on the low trust rating and high risk rating internet pharmacy status of, it is apparent that it never had a good online reputation.
