[dropcap]C[/dropcap]VS is an online pharmacy that sells generic and brand name medications for a wide range of diseases and conditions. has a series of features that are designed to enhance the patient’s shopping experience like mobile pharmacy that allows customers to refill a prescription or place an order from their smart phones or like minute clinic. Patients interested in different generic medications, but who are also searching for a pharmacy with an in-house team of doctors can read a CVS review to discover all the benefits of this online drugstore. CVS has also local stores, counting today over 7000 drugstores nationwide.

Clients interested in purchasing pills online for different conditions should always read pharmacy reviews and testimonials in order to discover CVS discounts and CVS coupon codes, but also to make an informed decision that satisfies all their needs. This pharmacy has a drug information center and a health information center where people can search for medical info, check drug interaction, identify the right pill for them or learn about the side-effects of different generic and brand name drugs. CVS pharmacies are available 24/7. Also, the site has a video library archive with movie clips showing online pharmacists offering medical explanations about different conditions, symptoms and health problems. The pharmacy offers medications indicated for treating sexual problems, diabetes, heart conditions, skin problems, weigh control and many more. They also sell baby and child products, beauty and household items.

Online pharmacies can have different privacy policies. Patients should always look for the pharmacy that has the policy suited for their needs. For example, they offer the option of shopping as a registered user meaning that the website will record all the essential info about the patient, or the patient can choose to order the pills as a guest, in which case only the billing and credit card info are stored by the website. It is always recommended to look for CVS complaints or even CVS scam reports, just to make sure you are aware of any possible problems with the pharmacy you are going to choose, reading other peoples testimonials is a good way to find out more, we would also like to ask you to share with us your own testimonial.