Why are online pharmacy drugs so cheap?

cheap [dropcap]O[/dropcap]nline pharmacy store helps you to save approximately 70% on the purchase of varied drugs. One can save hundreds of dollars a month on critical medications. Well, this has been made possible with help of many generic versions of the popular brand name drugs.
Nothing to get afraid from generic drug, as in many cases these drugs is identical to the original.

To define “generic drugs”, it means that a drug manufacturer makes a drug, they protect its’ chemical formula under patent law. The duration of patent protection differs for each country. Once this patent runs out the chemical formula for that drug then it becomes public and any competing drug company can create their own version of drug. Apart from this other reason for availing the drugs at cheaper rates is that online pharmacies behold stiff competition. So, in the market, everyone is looking for the best bargain.

On comparing the prices of Canadian online pharmacies to US-based online pharmacies, a person will find a great price difference. The patent protection in Canada is shorter than United States. This means that generic products sales and development in Canada is much faster than the US pharmacy market.

The best part is that online Canadian pharmacies offer you many different versions of generic drugs in their online stores. This gives you the choice to choose a drug that is right for your needs and in budget.