5 Common Medication Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Taking medication is an important aspect of maintaining our health, but it can be easy to make mistakes. With so many different medications, instructions, and dosages, it’s understandable that patients can feel overwhelmed. However, making medication mistakes can be dangerous and lead to negative consequences. In this blog post, we will discuss the 5 most common medication mistakes and provide tips on how to avoid them.

  1. Missing Doses

The most common medication mistake is missing a dose. It’s easy to forget to take medication, especially if you have a busy schedule or don’t have a routine. However, missing doses can impact the effectiveness of the medication, and in some cases, can cause harmful side effects.

To avoid missing doses, try setting a reminder on your phone or using a pill dispenser to organize your medication. It may also be helpful to take your medication at the same time every day.

  1. Mixing Medications

Mixing medications can be dangerous, especially if they interact negatively with each other. It’s essential to inform your healthcare provider of all medications you are taking, including over-the-counter medications and supplements.

To avoid mixing medications, ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist if there are any potential interactions between medications. It’s also helpful to keep a list of all medications and supplements you take, including dosages and frequencies.

  1. Not Following Instructions

Not following medication instructions is another common mistake that patients make. This can include taking the medication at the wrong time, taking it with the wrong food or beverage, or not taking the medication as prescribed.

To avoid this mistake, make sure to read the medication instructions carefully and ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist if you have any questions. It’s also important to take the medication as prescribed, even if you feel better.

  1. Taking Too Much

Taking too much medication can be dangerous and lead to harmful side effects. This can occur if you accidentally take too much or if you take multiple medications with the same active ingredient.

To avoid taking too much medication, make sure to read the medication instructions carefully and follow the dosages as prescribed. If you have multiple medications with the same active ingredient, make sure to inform your healthcare provider or pharmacist.

  1. Keeping Expired Medication

Keeping expired medication is another common mistake that patients make. Expired medication can be ineffective or even harmful.

To avoid this mistake, regularly check the expiration dates on your medication and dispose of any expired medication properly. Your healthcare provider or pharmacist can provide guidance on how to dispose of medication safely.


Making medication mistakes can be dangerous and lead to negative consequences. However, by being aware of these common mistakes and taking steps to avoid them, you can maintain your health and stay safe. Remember to always read medication instructions carefully, inform your healthcare provider of all medications you are taking, and dispose of expired medication properly.