Guidelines: Reliable online pharmacies

[dropcap]W[/dropcap]e have accumulated some useful guidelines in order to enjoy the benefits on ordering from online pharmacy at lower cost and the best way to safely get an online prescription.

Guideline 1: US licensed

Do not write or fill an online prescription form of online pharmacies if they are not US-licensed. You should always look for online pharmacies that have good reputation and also the staffs are fully licensed professional pharmacies.

Guideline 2: FDA Approved

Don’t consider or accept online prescriptions that have not been approved by the FDA. It is likely that the drugs are not FDA-approved and these drugs can be ineffective and cause harm to your health.

Guideline 3: Uncertain private policy

Don’t provide your personal information, medical history or credit card details to an online pharmacy that has an uncertain private policy or that fails to watch over your private information.

Guideline 4: Unrealistic low prices

Don’t get driven away by the online pharmacies that talk about drugs that are miraculous at unrealistic low prices. They advertise the drugs significantly at lower prices and these drugs could be forged or banned which can be threatening to your life.

Guideline 5: Tampered with or broken

Do not accept the delivery package that you have received online that appears to be tampered or broken. Call or report immediately to the online pharmacy’s consumer service department to resolve the issue.

Guideline 6: Unauthorized charges

Do not accept the delivery package ordered from online pharmacy that costs you unconstitutional charges on your credit card statement. Notify the unlawful pharmaceutical sales to US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

Guideline 7: Consult the Doctor

Always discuss with your doctor before you opt to purchase medication from an online pharmacy. Your doctor knows the case history and suggests what drug is apt for you. It is very essential to consult the concerned doctor before obtaining an online prescription.