is an online pharmacy store that provides quality, affordable and safe generic and branded medicines. It started its operations in 2004 and offers a wide range of medicines for different medical conditions and taps the resources of licensed pharmacists, doctors and fitness experts.

It also offers health products to its customers. Customers can do their shopping online with ease as this online pharmacy store carries almost all brands of over-the-counter and prescription drugs dealing with men’s health, women’s health and fitness products. Its medicines are cheaper than other online pharmacy stores. Shipping And Payment Options accepts payments via Western Union and Moneygram and accepts orders without a doctor’s prescription. Shipment is delivered through regular airmail and maximum discretion is practiced on the packaging and shipping. All financial information that customers provide specially credit card information are treated with utmost confidentiality to erase the threat of identity theft or fraudulent credit card transactions. Customer Reviews

There have been a number of reviews about some of which are :

  • BluntB609, is an online blogger and claims that he received the wrong package that contained medicines that he did not order. The company sent him another product because it claims the ones he ordered were out of stock so instead sent him a similar product than what he wanted. He used the medicines anyway and the results were good but has decided not to order from this site again for the reason that this online store should not have accepted his orders knowing that they had outstocked his particular order.
  • Stuey Boy ordered and paid the correct amount in dollars. After ordering, he received a message that this store had not received the right amount in euros. He checked with Western Union and confirmed that he had sent the correct amount. He sent three follow up emails to but did not get any response whatsoever. He does not recommend this site to customers due to its inefficient services specially in price quotations. Coupon Codes, Special Promos and Discounts

It is an added plus factor for online pharmacies to have coupon codes and promos as this will be the deciding factor to attract customers who will make repeat orders of their products. It is most likely for these customers to move to other online pharmacies that offer these coupon codes.

Although has no coupon codes and promos to offer, they have a line up of discounted products:

  • Halotestex (Halotestin) 100 tablets 10mg/tablet |  regular price  $250.00  |  DISCOUNTED PRICE   $200.00
  • Winstrol Tabs (Azolol) 400 tablets 10mg/tablet |  regular price  $250.00  |  DISCOUNTED PRICE    $190.00
  • Clenbuterol 30 tablets 20mg/tablet |  regular price   $ 35.00  |  DISCOUNTED PRICE    $25.00
  • Trenbolone Acetate (Trenabolic 80) 10mg.vial 800mg/vial |  regular price  $160.00  |  DISCOUNTED PRICE    $140.00
  • Valium (Diazepam) 30 tablets 5mg/tablet |  regular price  $ 50.00  |  DISCOUNTED PRICE     $35.00
  • Xanax (Alprazolam) 30 tablets 1mg/tablet |  regular price  $40.00  |  DISCOUNTED PRICE     $30.00 Conclusion

While is a legitimate online pharmacy store, it has to address and correct certain customer complaints in order to save its legitimacy. Reports from customers that it does not upgrade the status of its products and sells items which already out of stock and ships similar medicines to its customers – is a clear indication that it does deliver what it promises and there is a sign of dishonesty on its part.

There have also been complaints about additional charges which was added without the knowledge of the customers and its customers have been inconvenienced by this. This is a great error for business and people should use their better judgement on whether to patronize this website or not.